Fixed Price
We offer fixed pricing for smaller projects with solid requirements and well defined
deliverables. A smaller project is general constituted as having a low level of
complexity with a simple design and minimum requirements.
Any project that doesn't constitute as a smaller project for fixed pricing will be
billed at an hourly rate. All staffing services for remote or on-site individuals will
also be billed at an hourly rate. The hourly rate for projects will cover all the
necessary hours required for each step of the development process including planning,
designing, developing, and testing.
We offer on-site services for staffing needs to the entire United States billed at an
hourly rate. On-site services will general incur additional charges for travel and
logging expenses for our developers. We also offer local or discounted travel services
for staffing needs only in the Greenville SC area.
We offer remote services for staffing needs world wide billed at an hourly rate and
remote services for project development needs world wide billed at an hourly or
fixed price rate. The majority of our project development services are conducted
remotely where we schedule regular routine meetings to review progress and ensure
project steps and deliverables are being met.